It is important to dole out the props when deserved - even to your political opponent.
McCain did the right thing when he denounced claptrap by conservative radio host Bill Cunningham during an opening for a McCain rally.
Cunningham somehow brought focus to Obama's middle name, Hussein, in what is a clear attempt to slander him by using a name that many will associate negatively with Saddam Hussein, or terrorists, or Muslims, or some combination thereof.
Obviously, given my post below, I first have to reject Hussein as a smear at all. In fact, I find his middle name to be one of those precious details in news or politics, or even life when even an old agnostic like me finds evidence for the divine (or at least supernatural). What are the chances that we would have a major contender for the Presidency who just happens to have this strange connection to a part of the world in which we are desperately in need of healing? (As a connoisseur of numbers, another potentially divinely inspired moment was Florida in 2000 - I mean really - how many votes separated us from two totally different paths of history?)
The use of "Barak Hussein Obama" is out there. I guess mostly with pretty low-brow hosts such as Mike Gallagher and Bill Cunningham, but its out there and it is really frustrating. Why is it so frustrating? Because it really appeals to the lowest instincts - an instinctive and irrational fear of the unknown (in this case a religion or culture)- which is made even worse as much of this is passed along subconsciously by just inserting what is a smear to most between the name (brand?) of the eventual democratic nominee.
It is similar to the grammatically inappropriate use of "Democrat" instead of "Democratic". For example, Rush Limbaugh will never say "Democratic"- when this became an issue during the 2004 campaign he contended that he likes to do this because it gets under the skin of liberals. It certainly does that! I won't argue with him there.
However, he can't play dumb here. He never says this on air that I have heard, likely because there are some good-willed conservative listeners who will be repelled by this - but the reason "DemocRAT Party" is so frustrating to liberals is because it emphasizes the RAT - subconscious political warfare which is totally distasteful to me and probably most people on both sides of the aisle.
Back to Barak Hussein Obama, to Rush's credit and also to others like Michael Medved the big guns on political talk radio aren't using this name obsessively. Micheal Medved has condemned the use - good on him. Hopefully, The Bill Cunninghams and Mike Gallaghers will get the message too. If not, no problem, hopefully listeners will in the long run get the idea that this type of vicious, subconscious politics debases the social fabric of our county and turn these hosts off.
And finally, back to McCain. I have to admit I have a soft spot for McCain. I like the fact that he mixes it up on the Daily Show - but what I really admire is his courage and integrity. His service during the Vietnam War are beyond imagination. To be sure, however that I would sooner drink political hemlock by voting for a Green that vote for McCain - even if he was the Democratic nominee (as many conservatives think he might as well be). That makes me even more impressed by what he did by rebuking Cunningham. He really had nothing to gain and everything to lose as he continues to repel his conservative base. Cheers to McCain and I hope politicians from both sides follow his example and listen to their inner "straight-talk-express".
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