Saturday, April 12, 2008

FOX: Good

Easy, cheap,not totally fair humor, but sometimes you just have to enjoy the red meat.

Don't miss the scroll on "Oliver Now".

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Common Ground

Sometimes the anti-governmental attitude of the conservative intersect with the bean-counting of the liberal. One such case is ethanol. This is a boondoggle largely based on pandering to the good farmers in the Midwest.
It would be great if ethanol derived from corn could be a realistic alternative fuel - but it isn't. It isn't even environmentally friendly as a substitute for gasoline as it costs more energy to produce than it ultimately releases as kinetic energy for your car.
I mention this because I heard Rush Limbaugh a couple of weeks ago railing against ethanol as another example of a bad governmental policy based on the global warming hoax. Also, today Paul Krugman condemns "demon ethanol" as one of the bad policies that are exasperating the dangerous world wide trend toward higher food prices.
I hope we can unite conservatives and liberals when we agree, even if it is for opposing reasons, to change or prevent unsound policies.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Keith Olbermann Riffing on Faux News' Treatment of Hillary Clinton

This was a particularly good "Worlds Worst". I highly recommend Keith's MSNBC web site. Between iTunes podcasts of the first one or two segments and MSNBC's site, you can get most of the important stuff from his show. This is one of the reasons I was able to let go of cable and content myself with internet streams and an HDTV antenna for PBS. Other newsy TV recommendations online, iTunes streams of the Sunday Morning shows, 60 Minutes, Bill Moyers, and Religion and Ethics Newsweekly. Some of these come with audio only, but most have video and are free. It is a bit of a pain at first to learn iTunes, but once you do, it is an extremely convenient way of catching up on the news as long as you don't mind listening/or watching your PC or your iPod. Oh, and the best part is, it is all free not including your broadband connection.